Sunday, July 27, 2008

American Idol Registration!

So today was American Idol Registration, and it was so much fun! Leah and I left at 5:15am and arrived at 6:00am at The Energy Solutions Arena. When we got there we were greeted with an amazing sunrise and an overwhelming amount of people. We gathered a blanket, some snacks, water bottles and my ping-pong set from the trunk of my car, found the end of the line and made the best of it. We popped a squat under the marquee and made a couple of short videos. We cranked out ping-pong and started playing. The camera crew came around while we were playing ping-pong and we waved our paddles and screamed at the camera. It was great! Then they asked us to tell the camera where we were from (city and state) and so we did. Soon after they asked us all to yell, "Welcome to Salt Lake City!" as a group. We got through the line pretty quickly once they opened up the doors at 7:00am. We were out by 8:00am. It was so much fun and we met some interesting people. I can't wait for Tuesday!!


Jeannie said...


That is so exciting. I am so glad you are trying out. I loved your pictures and all the great adventure.

Good Luck Tuesday!!!!!

Go Chelsea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JACK!E said...

So is Tuesday the day you find out if you made it or not? How exciting!! I hope they tell you you're going to Hollywood! That would be an oppurtunity you'll never forget.

Sienna said...

I'm getting so excited! I'm gonna go make a poster!!!

Jeannie said...

How did it go??????????????????????

I keep checking to see if you have posted how it went.

I hope you had a great time and enjoyed trying out.

Can't wait to hear how it was.